Wednesday, July 7, 2021

We Are Swayin..We Are Swayin'..

Try as I might, this ickle Northern Hermia can not keep her head up. Literally swaying with tiredness .. 'we are swaying, home again..' (to the tune of We Are Sailing in case you hadn't gathered!)

I have scripts coming out of my ears which is brilliant but trying to do all of those and other work (Covid has really effected the Arts as you probably know) is very trying and tiring. Usually I can manage but I think the exhaustion from moving house is finally catching up with me! Talking of sailing, I've lost track of how many times I have been caught in a rain shower today. Makeup is running down my face and I am off to meet with a theatre company that I do play readings with. Hopefully I won't scare them off! Don't think they'll be up for a horror just yet! Ha! 

Until next time. 


A Real Northern Hermia x

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Oh, Marlene..

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