Thursday, October 19, 2023

Do the Limbo Dance!

‘Limbo cool, limbo fine

Ev’rybody gets a chance

Clap your hands it’s party time

Do the limbo dance’.

Yeah, thanks, David!

Have you ever had to hold yourself in a fixed position? An awkward position for too long and found yourself stuck? I’m not counting when we were all bendy kids, but as an adult I mean? It hurts, doesn’t it?! You can’t just jump upright. You can’t focus, you have a permanent headache, you can’t eat or drink. And you feel ‘’ready for the knackers yard’’, as our Elsie used to say! And yet when those fingers snap, we have to be ready to do a full on tap dance down the street with our heads in tact firing on all cylinders. 

Growing up, I was told to ''Be realistic''. In fact I remember the career woman who came into high school: ''What do you want to do for a career?'' Me, ''I want to act''. Her, ''You're from Preston, be realistic. What do you really want to do?'' Me, ''I just told you. I want to act''! She wasn't alone. In my experience it was usually people who, perhaps, came from a more affluent background didn't (and still don't in my experience) want us (the majority) to aspire to our goals. They (not the teachers, but those in power) want us to be their yes people. They don't want us to be able to question their motives or their answers.

But when you ''slap'' them in the face with their realistic realism, they certainly do not know what has hit them! We do. Its strength and determination. We know how to survive when the going gets tough...  ''When the going gets tough, the tough get ready''...The tough, does indeed, get going!

For any of the nay sayers who tell you that you can't follow your dreams, turn Billy up. Sing it loud and sing it proud: ''I'm gonna put this dream in motion, never let nothing stand in my way..!'' 


A Real Northern Hermia x

                                            image by: Tntisland dot com

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Here Have a Carrot!

But don't get too're back to waiting again! 

I know that you have jumped through hoop after hoop for months, but you need to wait. Wait for their right arm to connect to their left could be waiting a while. There isn't a time limit. Sorry about that, but I am smiling apologetically, does that help? 


'I'm spinning around, move out of my way..' I feel like Worzel Gummidge. Though I am not sure if my head can spin anymore. I'm trying to concentrate on one thing but there is always someone tapping on the other side of my head, trying to get in. Tapping, tapping away..I keep saying ''don't knock. I don't live here..well not permanently, anyway''. But the tapping will not let up. ''When will you have a home''? I DO NOT KNOW! That's it. That's done it. Phew! It's calm again.. Until five minutes later anyway..this time it's louder! Tap tap tap...tAP! Ok, here goes..

Check email regarding our home reply.

Email extra reply

wife emails extra reply..

Someone I hardly know calls to let off steam, without asking how I am. I kind of imagine that their stress is further away from my ears than it is, and I ask how they are besides this. They promise to call in a couple of hours for a catchup.. four hours later, no catch up, but I guess they feel they've lightened their load?

Tap, tap tap tAPPPPP! 

Checks. Blank email. Wait, what does it say? Ah yes, ''welcome to Limbo Land''. Welcome?? I've been staying here for over three months. Surely you know that? But apparently it's temporary?...

Cup o'tea and slice of cake, Aunt Sally?

Love a Real Northern Hermia x

Getty Images. Mike Lawn

Sunday, October 1, 2023


I know what you're thinking, and I love it, but I am literally talking about spoons. Like metal spoons. Of course there is such a thing as 'spooner' too. Some of those with long-term illnesses describe themselves as this, and use spoons as a way of describing how they are feeling, and or their energy levels. So, for example, they may say "I haven't many spoons today". 

But anyway , I digress. I'm talking actual spoons. The metal kind. Or forks. Those too. Oh and texture! 

Is it just me that can't eat off those really cheap type of spoons? You know the kind I mean.. where you can get a packet of four for 50 (probably a £1 now with inflation). They feel weird in my mouth. Like they make me gag and I can imagine all of the other people having eaten using the same utensil. It's weird, because if you gave me a really thick spoon (or fork) to eat with, I wouldn't have those thoughts. And the thing is, I'm not posh. I don't require diamante spoons or diamond handles and what not. I'm a simple person, ok, not simple. I'm certainly not easy (who is?), but when it comes to possessions and things that I own, I don't own anything of worth. I'm not interested at all in material wealth (in fact someone I was on a date with once, didn't like that I was an actor as money meant a lot to them. That date didn't go any further!) but when it comes to putting a spoon into my mouth, it needs fo be a decent thickness and not feel tinny. And of course, it not making me want to feel sick too, that's always a winner. The only other thing I'm not keen on, texture -wise, is plastercine... that started when I was 4 years old in reception class, but that's for another time. Spoons and plastercine. What does that say? Don't answer that! 

Until next time,

A Real Northern Hermia x

#actor #northern #uk #spooning #spoon #fun #life #hermia #midsummernightsdream #quirky

Oh, Marlene..

Marlene Dietrich said, 'I do not think we have a right to happiness. If happiness happens, say thanks'. As much as I love you, I tot...